I'm Alex

Ai Engineer,

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Alex is a developer and an entrepreneur; he is a software engineer at Tomorrow‘s Education.

His enthusiasm for machine learning has driven him to explore more about computer vision. It encourages him to read more articles and attend more online courses in equipping him to be a better artificial intelligence engineer. He studies Information and Technology in Universitas Komputer Indonesia. During his studies, Alex is also one of the Developer Student Clubs Leads, leading more than 80 young developers in Universitas Komputer Indonesia, and with the help of 7 core team members, this club ensures that each of the members can grow in their hard and soft skills. Alex also works as a project manager in several professional projects, and sometimes also the UI/UX designer.

Apart from the coding world, Alex is also a professional designer. He has done various projects with small to large companies in Indonesia. He also has experience in producing photoshoots, graphic designs, video promotions, and motion graphics. He has been doing these since high school.

When he isn’t glued to a computer screen, Alex enjoys reading books, running with his dog, singing, and playing the guitar. You can reach him in his website lexmanuel.com/contact

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Developer Student Clubs

In September 2019 Alex was applying to DSC Lead through the online selection and interview , and after few weeks the result came up to be good.

All chosen DSC Lead in Southeast Asia were attending annual summit before they began to establish their community in their campus. After the summit Alex start to gather the core team, create plans, and publish the community. In his campus he leads more than 80 members that divided into four weekly class: Android, Front-End, Back-End, and Machine Learning. Each class has their facilitator and Alex is facilitating the machine learning class.

By the end of the 2019 Alex were awarded as the Top DSC Leads for the number of events and event reached in Southeast Asia.

DSC TechFest Chapter Bandung
1st February 2020
Annual event where all DSC Leads across Bandung are collaborating to bring greater impact to the city